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Command-line parsing in multiple programming languages


  1. Use the language’s recommended mechanism:
    1. C - getopt_long (fallback: getopt(3) supports only short options but more standardize on unix platforms). (see example-age.c).
    2. perl - Getopt::Long (see example-age.pl).
    3. python - argparse (see example-age.py).
    4. R - optparse (see example-age.r).
    5. Shell - getopt, (or fallback to $1 ONLY for simple scripts, with proper validation). (see example-age.sh).
  2. Support -h (and optionally --help) for usage information.
  3. optionally support long options (e.g. --parallel) - always with two dashes.


  1. R - Do not use commandArgs except in very simple scripts. Do not use argparse as it requires python.
  2. C - Do not use argv[] directly except in very simple programs (unless combined with proper getopt_long usage).
  3. Python - Do not use sys.argv except in very simple scripts.
  4. Perl - Do not use @argv except in very simple scripts (or when combined with proper Getopt::Long usage).
  5. Shell - Do not use getopt (i.e. /usr/bin/getopt). NOTE: this is different than getopts (with s) - which is OK to use.
  6. Java - Do not use java.
  7. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES use single dash with long option (e.g. foobar -version).

Proper etiquette - the Unix way

  1. If your program outputs one file (or one stream for multiple files), send it to STDOUT by default.
    Optionally - allow setting output filename with -o FILE or --output FILE.
    Example: sort FILE > OUT and sort -o OUT FILE.

  2. If your program accepts ONE file, it should be the LAST non-option (i.e. positional parameter).
    If your program can work with pipes, allow the user to not specify any filename, and read from STDIN by default.
    Example: sort FILE and cat FILE | sort.

  3. if your program accepts multiple files and produces one stream of output (e.g. STDOUT), accept all files as last non-option (positional) parameters.
    Example: sort FILE1 FILE2 FILE3 > out

  4. If your program produces one output file for each input file, do not automatically calculate on the filename (and never calculate the filename based on removing some extension of the input file).
    Bad example: foobar a.sam which automatically creates a.bam by changing the extension .sam.

  5. warnings and errors must be printed to STDERR (not STDOUT).

  6. If errors encountered, the program must exit with non-zero exit code.

  7. If no errors happpened, the program should exit with zero exit code.

  8. Progress messages should be printed only if the user asked for --verbose (alternatively: provide --quiet or --silent option to turn off all progress messages).

  9. If your program generates multiple files, consider one of two options:

    9.1. Allow the user to specify a prefix. Example: myprogram --prefix /data/foo/bar input.txt will read input.txt and produce /data/foo/bar.log, /data/foo/bar.txt, /data/foo/bar.err, etc.

    9.2. Allow the user to specify an output directory. Example: myprogram --outdir /data/foo/bar input.txt will read input.txt, and will create /data/foo/bar/report.txt, /data/foo/bar/error.log, /data/foo/bar/chart.png, etc.

    Bad behaviour to avoid:

    9.3. Do not create multiple files with fixed names in the current directory. (e.g. create chart.png, results.txt and error.log in the current directory).

    9.4. Do no create multiple files based on the input file name, with new extensions. (e.g. given mydata.txt create mydata.results,mydata.log and mydata.png).

  10. If your program uses temporary files, create a temporary directory using mktemp(1) -d or mkdtemp(3), while respecting the TMPDIR environment variable. Then create the temporary files inside the directory (they can have fixed names).

basic usage of all code examples

These examples show the basic command-line parsing in Perl/Pytohn/R/C/Shell.

They do not demonstrate file handling (see next post for that).

The following programs implement the same interface:

$ ./example-age.pl --help
This is the frobnicator.
It says hello and prints your year-of-birth and age.

Usage: example-age.pl [OPTIONS] FILE

FILE                  = File to process

-h, --help            = This help screen.
-n NAME, --name NAME  = Your name
-a AGE,  --age AGE    = Your age
-y YEAR, --year YEAR  = Your birth year
-v, --verbose         = Be verbose.

FILE, NAME are required.
Either AGE or YEAR are required.

And the usage is similar in all implementations:

# Perl
$ ./example-age.pl --name assaf --age 21 foo.txt
Hello assaf
You were born in 1994 and you are 21 years old.
File to process: foo.txt

# Python
$ ./example-age.py --name assaf --age 21 foo.txt
Hello assaf
You were born in 1994 and you are 21 years old.
File to process: foo.txt

# R
$ ./example-age.r --name assaf --age 21 foo.txt
Hello assaf
You were born in 1994 and you are 21 years old.
File to process: foo.txt

# C
$ ./example-age-c --name assaf --age 21 foo.txt
Hello assaf
You were born in 1994 and you are 21 years old.
File to process: foo.txt

# Shell - only short options supported
$ ./example-age-1.sh -n assaf -a 21 foo.txt
Hello assaf
You were born in 1994 and you are 21 years old.
File to process: foo.txt


  1. These example accept only options (i.e. those starting with -).
  2. Output is always to STDOUT.
  3. error checking is omitted for brevity.
  4. The one exception is the shell-script example: it only implements short options (i.e. -n but not --name).
  5. Not shown but highly recommended: when exiting with an error, print the program’s name (or script name).
  6. Not shown but recommended: if the program can read input from STDIN (instead of a file), allow operating without specifying the FILE parameter to mean ‘read input from STDIN’.

Example 1: Python

Download example-age.py.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import sys
from warnings import warn
from datetime import date

def parse_command_line():
    # Define parameters
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This the frobnicator. " \
                           "It says hello and prints your year-of-birth and age.",
                    epilog="FILE, NAME are required. " \
                           "Either AGE or YEAR are required.")

    # Option parameters
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--name",     help="your name")
    parser.add_argument("-y", "--year",     help="year of birth", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-a", "--age",      help="your current age", type=int)
    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose",  help="be verbose", action="store_true")
    # Positional parameter
    parser.add_argument('filename', metavar='FILE', help='file to process');
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Validate parameters
    if args.name is None:
        sys.exit("missing --name. See -h for help.")
    if args.year is None and args.age is None:
        sys.exit("Either --age or --year must be specified. See -h for help.")
    if args.year is not None and args.age is not None:
        sys.exit("--age and --year are mutually exclusive.")
    return args

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = parse_command_line()

    current_year = date.today().year
    if args.verbose:
        print >> sys.stderr, "current year = ", current_year

    if args.year:
        your_age  = current_year - args.year
        birth_year = current_year
    if args.age:
        your_age  = args.age
        birth_year = current_year - args.age

    print "Hello",args.name
    print "You were born in",birth_year,"and you are",your_age,"years old."
    print "File to process:", args.filename

Example 1: Perl

Download example-age.pl.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;

my $verbose;
my $age;
my $year;
my $name;
my $filename;

sub usage()
    my $base = basename $0;
This is the frobnicator.
It says hello and prints your year-of-birth and age.

Usage: $base [OPTIONS] FILE

FILE                      = File to process

    -h, --help            = This help screen.
    -n NAME, --name NAME  = Your name
    -a AGE,  --age AGE    = Your age
    -y YEAR, --year YEAR  = Your birth year
    -v, --verbose         = Be verbose.

FILE, NAME are required.
Either AGE or YEAR are required.
    exit 0

sub parse_command_line()
    GetOptions("v|verbose" => \$verbose,
               "n|name=s"  => \$name,
               "a|age=i"   => \$age,
               "y|year=i"  => \$year,
               "h|help"    => \&usage)
        or die "failed to parse command line options. See -h for help.\n";
    die "missing --name. See -h for help\n" unless $name;
    die "Either --age or --year must be specified. See -h for help.\n"
        unless $age || $year;
    die "--age and --year are mutually exclusive.\n"
        if $age && $year;

    # Now ensure there are positional parameters left
    die "missing file name. See -h for help\n"
        unless @ARGV;
    $filename = shift @ARGV;
    # DO NOT silently ignore extra parameters - that will only confuse users
    die "extra operands found. See -h for help\n" if @ARGV;

my @t = localtime;
my $current_year = $t[5] + 1900;
warn "current year = $current_year\n" if $verbose;

my ($birth_year, $your_age);
if ($age) {
    $birth_year = $current_year - $age;
    $your_age = $age;
if ($year) {
    $birth_year = $year;
    $your_age = $current_year - $birth_year;

print "Hello $name\n";
print "You were born in $birth_year and you are $your_age years old.\n";
print "File to process: $filename\n";

Example 1: R

Download example-age.r.

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript


option_list <- list(
  make_option(c("-n","--name"), help = "Your name", type="character", default=NA),
  make_option(c("-a","--age"), help = "Your age", type="integer",default=NA),
  make_option(c("-y","--year"),help = "Your birth year", type="integer",default=NA),
  make_option(c("-v","--verbose"),help = "Be verbose", action="store_true", default=FALSE)
parser <- OptionParser(
   usage = paste("%prog [OPTIONS] FILE",
                 "This is the frobnicator. It says hello and prints your year-of-birth and age.",
                 "FILE = file to process", sep="\n"),
   epilogue = "FILE, NAME are required.\nEither AGE or YEAR are required.",

## Hack note: far from ideal, but the tryCatch+is.na()
## will print a friendlier error on parsing error
## instead of R's default cryptic message.
{ arguments = parse_args(parser, positional_arguments=1);},
   error = function(e) { })
if (all(is.na(arguments))) {
     stop (paste("Failed to parse command-line parameters",
                 "(missing filename?).",
                 "Use --help for help"))
opts = arguments$options
file = arguments$args

## Parameter Validation
if ( is.na(opts$name) ) { stop ("Missing --name. Use --help for help.") }
if ( is.na(opts$age) && is.na(opts$year) ) {
        stop ( "Either --age or --year must be specified. Use --help for help.")
if ( !is.na(opts$age) && !is.na(opts$year) ) {
        stop ("--age and --year are mutually exclusive. Use --help for help.")
if (is.na(file)) {
        stop ("missing file name. Use --help for help")

current_year = as.integer(format(Sys.time(), "%Y"))
if (opts$verbose) {
	cat(paste("current_year =",current_year,"\n") ,file=stderr())

if (!is.na(opts$age)) {
	your_age = opts$age
	birth_year = current_year - your_age
if (!is.na(opts$year)) {
	birth_year = opts$year
	your_age = current_year - birth_year

 paste("Hello",opts$name,"\nYou were born in",birth_year,
        "and you are",your_age,"years old.\nFile to process:",


Example 1: Shell

Download example-age.sh.


    BASE=$(basename "$0")
    echo "$BASE: error: $@" >&2
    exit 1

    BASE=$(basename "$0")
    echo "This is the frobnicator.
It says hello and prints your year-of-birth and age.


    -h        = This help screen.
    -n NAME   = Your name
    -a AGE    = Your age
    -y YEAR   = Your birth year
    -v        = Be verbose.

FILE, NAME are required.
Either AGE or YEAR are required.

# Default values for parameters
# Parse parameters
while getopts vhn:a:y: param
    case $param in
    h)   show_help=1;;
    v)   verbose=1;;
    a)   age="$OPTARG";;
    y)   year="$OPTARG";;
    n)   name="$OPTARG";;
    ?)   die "unknown command line option";;
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))

# Validate parameters
test -n "$show_help" && show_help_and_exit

test -z "$1" && die "missing file name. See -h for help"
test -n "$2" && die "extra operands found ($2). See -h for help"
test -z "$name" && die "missing name (-n). See -h for help"
test -z "$age" && test -z "$year" \
    && die "Either age (-a) or year (-y) must be specified. See -h for help."
test -n "$age" && test -n "$year" \
    && die "age(-a)  and year(-y) are mutually exclusive."


current_year=$(date +%Y)
if [ -n "$verbose" ]; then
    echo "current year = $current_year" >&2

if [ -n "$age" ] ; then
if [ -n "$year" ] ; then

echo "Hello $name"
echo "You were born in $birth_year and you are $your_age years old.";
echo "File to process: $filename"

Example 1: C

Download example-age.c.

/* To compile:
     cc -o example-age-c example-age.c
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <time.h>

int verbose=0;
int age=-1;
int year=-1;
char* name=NULL;
char *filename=NULL;

static char const short_options[] = "a:n:y:hv";

static struct option const long_options[] =
	{"age",     required_argument, NULL, 'a'},
	{"year",    required_argument, NULL, 'y'},
	{"name",    required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
	{"help",    no_argument,       NULL, 'h'},
	{"verbose", no_argument,       NULL, 'v'},
	{NULL,      0,                 NULL, 0}

void usage(const char* progname)
This is the frobnicator.\n\
It says hello and prints your year-of-birth and age.\n\
Usage: %s [OPTIONS] FILE\n\
FILE                      = File to process\n\
    -h, --help            = This help screen.\n\
    -n NAME, --name NAME  = Your name\n\
    -a AGE,  --age AGE    = Your age\n\
    -y YEAR, --year YEAR  = Your birth year\n\
    -v, --verbose         = Be verbose.\n\
FILE,NAME are required.\n\
Either AGE or YEAR are required.\n\
", progname);

void parse_command_line(int argc, char* argv[])
	int optc;

	while ((optc = getopt_long (argc, argv,
                              short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1) {
		switch (optc)
		case 'a':
			age = atoi(optarg);
			if (age<=0)
				errx(1,"invalid age '%s'", optarg);

		case 'y':
			year = atoi(optarg);
			if (year<=0)
				errx(1,"invalid year '%s'", optarg);

		case 'n':
			name = optarg;

		case 'h':

		case 'v':
			verbose = 1;

			errx(1,"invalid command-line option");

	/* Validate parameters */
    if (optind >= argc)
        errx(1,"missing FILE name. See --help for help");
    filename = argv[optind++];
    if (optind < argc)
        errx(1,"extra operand found (%s). See --help for help",
	if (name==NULL)
		errx(1,"missing --name. See --help for help");
	if (age==-1 && year==-1)
		errx(1,"Either --age or --year must be specified. See -h for help.");
	if (age!=-1 && year!=-1)
		errx(1,"--age and --year are mutually exclusive.");

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	time_t t;
	struct tm *tm;
	int current_year;
	int birth_year;
	int your_age;

	parse_command_line (argc, argv);

	tm = gmtime(&t);
	if (tm==NULL)
		err(1,"gmtime failed");
	current_year = tm->tm_year + 1900;
	if (verbose)
		fprintf(stderr,"current year = %d\n", current_year);

	if (age != -1) {
		birth_year = current_year - age;
		your_age = age;
	if (year != -1) {
		birth_year = year;
		your_age = current_year - birth_year;

	printf("Hello %s\n", name);
	printf("You were born in %d and you are %d years old.\n",
		birth_year, your_age);
    printf("File to process: %s\n", filename);
	return 0;
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